The system settings are settings that applies to all devices. It is accessible thru Main Window settings or Device settings ⇒ System Settings. It consists of subjects on the left and detail settings on the right, you can scroll on the right click on the title on the left. It contains the following settings:
Sigma keyboard
- Enable Sigma keyboard: Check this setting will always enable Sigma Keyboard automatically, disconnect connection will revert back to original keyboard setting.
- Paste directly to device: This applies to text, you can copy from other Windows applications and press Ctrl-v to paste the text into device directly.
- -Auto send enter key: For social media apps, most settings have Enter key to send. Check this setting will save an Enter. When you enter text in textbox and press Enter, with this option, this will send the text and send Enter automatically. Enter can also send search key if the keyboard is in search mode.
- Autotext input: See "text input", can configure mapping between short and long form of text.
Other options
Screenshot, Video recording – See Screenshot and Video Recording.
Capture PC – See Copy-n-paste and file transfer.
Copy – See Copy-n-paste and file transfer.
Save/Clipboard when Sharing images. See Copy-n-paste and file transfer.
Boss Key – Can define a function key to close all the device windows in Windows system tray.
Screen Control Mode – See Movements, click and swip.
adb/adb2 – adb2 is newer and much faster than adb, if encountered problem on adb2, can switch to adb.
Device Auto Sleep – By default, TC will keep device screen always on, check this option to use device display timeout setting.
Backup – Backup and restore path for contacts, messages and call logs.
Frame per second – Show number of frames per second.
Show Coordinates – Show absolute and relative coordinates of mouse cursor relative to device screen, useful to API that requires x and y coordinates.
Device Display Mode – MDCC or WDM. MDCC will be in different section.
Shortcuts – This allows users to define up to 4 shortcuts that will be display on top of the device windows for ease of access. Most of them are self-explanatory, "Sigma Input" will allow users to select input method.
Notification Management – Can define number of notification to store and the actions when notification is received.
Auto Start Up – It is a small PC software to allow users to start/exit/restart Total Control or if the device with auto connect is plugged to USB port, it will start automatically.
REST API – Define the username and password of REST API, by default, for security reason, the password is the last 8 characters of the TC ID. The "Duration setting" is the time required to send another "Authentication". Port number can be changed if you have port number conflicts on the PC. The rest is accounting information and connection list.
Voice – See Voice Control for more information.