
One of the biggest strengths in Total Control is the scripting capability. Total Control offers rich set of API to control one or multiple Android devices. It offers 2 sets of APIs: JavaScript and REST API. JavaScript will run the script locally, REST API offers flexibility in language and hosts. You can also use REST API to control multiple PCs running "Total Control" application.

JavaScript API


Total Control provide the following framework for JavaScript (ECMAScript 5 with selected ES6 features)

  • Mozilla's Rhino 1.7.7 with Total Control 7 (or below), Rhino 1.7.12 with Total Control 8 and Rhino 1.7.14 with Total Control 9 (Update 20). See for more information.
  • RingoJS 2.0.

The bonus with Rhino is the ability to call Java API (Total Control 8 is using OpenJDK 15) directly if Rhino + RingoJS do not provide sufficient functionality.

Total Control offers many classes, several examples:

  • Device
  • DeviceArray
  • UiElement (Total Control 8)
  • UiElementArray (Total Control 8)
  • Notification
  • Keyboard
  • Excel

Device and DeviceArray Classes

When a device is connected (auto connect or "Connect" button is pressed), a device object from "Device" class is created, use static method "searchObject" to locate the device objects. For multiple device objects, it offers "DeviceArray" class (subclass from Array). Devices in DeviceArray objects will be perform the same task at the same time.

Device class offers close to 100 methods and properties to manipulate a device. DeviceArray class offers about 20+ commonly used methods. Please refer to {{JavaScript API documentation}} for all methods. You can extend Device and DeviceArray with ease, (See Extending Device and DeviceArray).

Use "Device.searchObject()" to locate created device objects, the device object format is "device@<10 digits>".

// Return one device object
var mySamsung = Device.searchObject('Samsung-S9');
// Return all device objects, DeviceArray
var allDevices = Device.searchObject(tcConst.DevAll);
// Return device objects belong to same group, DeviceArray
var allGroupX = Device.searchObject(tcConst.DevGroup, 'first row');
var allGroupY = Device.searchObject(tcConst.DevGroup, 'second row');
// Combine 2 groups to form a larger group, DeviceArray
var groupXY = allGroupX.concat(allGroupY);

Since DeviceArray() is a subclass of Array(), it inherits most of the methods from Array class, since all the TC specific methods are tied to DeviceArray, if you have an array, use "var ary = new DeviceArray().concat(ary)" to convert to DeviceArray.

// This will fail since there is no "click" method in Array
var device = Device.getMain();
var ary = [device];,100);

// This will work
var device = Device.getMain();
var ary = new DeviceArray(device);, 100);    // or ary.clickSync("OK");

Couple of examples:

// click location 100,200 on device name "Samsung-S10".
var device = Device.searchObject('Samsung-S10');
if (device) {,200); 	// or device.clickSync("Start");
// click in the middle of the screen on all connected devices.
var devices = Device.searchObject(tcConst.DevAll);
if (devices) {, 0.5); 	// or device.clickSync("John");

Directory and Userlib.js

By default, the scripting directory is located at \Users\<user name>\Documents\Scripts directory, you can change it by clicking "Script" in Main Window, select "Script List", top line to change the directory.

Within it, you can create a file called "Userlib.js", this file will always be loaded before script execution, you can include commonly used functions, add prototypes to existing classes or bring in 3rd party software.

To debug "Userlib.js", use "Terminal", to reload "Userlib.js", click reload icon on the bottom right Terminal window.

Absolute vs Relative Coordinates

For x, y coordinates, TC offers "absolute" and "relative" coordinates (the system settings show coordinates will show both coordinates), absolute coordinates from (0, 0) to (width – 1, height – 1), relative coordinates are usually 4 decimal points from (0, 0) to (0.9999, 0.9999). The relative coordinates multiply by device width and height will get the absolute coordinates. Coordinates are not ideal, Professional supports AAI that use text in the UI elements to retrieve the coordinates in the runtime.