taskCreate: Create a task

Function Description:

Create a script task that is executed immediately.

Corresponding JS API:
taskCreate(taskName, scriptFile, execCount)
Whether to support multiple devices:



For Total Control version 6.9.0 and higher

Resource Information:

Method POST
URL .../tasks?task_name=:task_name&script_file=:script_file&total_iterations=:total_iterations
Requires authentication? Yes

Method Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
task_name String Yes Task name
script_file String Yes Script file.
The directory of the script file:<Documents>\Scripts.
total_iterations Int Yes The total number of iterations.

Response Parameters:

A JSON string representing an array of objects with the following fields:

Field Type Description
status Boolean Return true for success and null for failure
value String If the value of status is true, an empty string is returned;
If the value of status is a null object, an error message or empty string is returned.

Request Example:
Response Example:

If this API executes successfully, it returns:

    "status": true,
    "value": ""

If the value of HTTP status code is 200, but the value of status is a null object, it returns:

    "status": null,
    "value": "<Error message>"


Warm tip:
Get the token needed for Total Control script development,see here.

RingoJS Example:
// Import the packages
var {request} = require("ringo/httpclient");
var base64 = require("ringo/base64");

// The username and password are separated by a single : and sent on the wire base64 encoded
var userpass = base64.encode("sigma:3D391497");

// First step: Get the API token
var gettoken = request({
	method: "GET",
	url: "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/login",
	headers: {
		"Authorization": userpass
var ret_token = JSON.parse(gettoken.content); 
var token = ret_token.value.token; 
print("//The value of token is:" + token);

// Second step: Execute this REST API
var resp = request({
	method: "POST",
	url: "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/tasks",
	data: {
		"task_name": "task001",
		"script_file": "getname.js",
		"total_iterations": 1,
		"token": token,
var obj = JSON.parse(resp.content); 
ret =obj.status;
if (ret == true) {
	print("//Executed successfully,Return value: \n"+resp.content);	
} else if (ret != true & resp.status == 200){
	print("An error message is returned: "+resp.content);
} else {
	print("This API failed to execute.");
The running result of the RingoJS:

If it executes successfully, it will return:

//The value of token is:veLZf8EL7gUoyFOL
//Executed successfully,Return value: 
{"status":true, "value":""}
Python Example:
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import base64
import requests

# The username and password are separated by a single : and sent on the wire base64 encoded
user_pass = 'sigma:3D391497'
encodeStr = base64.b64encode(user_pass.encode("UTF-8"))

# First step: Get the API token
LoginUrl = "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/login"
response = requests.get(LoginUrl, headers={'Authorization':encodeStr})
print("Get the token,Return value: ",response.json())
token = response.json()['value']['token']
print("The value of token is: ",token)

# Second step: Execute this REST API
if token is not None:
    APIUrl = "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/tasks"
    data = {
        "task_name": "task001",
        "script_file": "getname.js",
        "total_iterations": 1,
        "token": token
    response = requests.post(url=APIUrl, params=data)
    ret = response.json()['status']
    # Determine if this REST API is executed successfully
    if ret is True:
        print("Executed successfully,Return value: ", response.json())
    elif response.status_code == 200 and ret is not True:
        print("An error message is returned: ",response.json())
        print("This API failed to execute.")
    print("Failed to get token.")
The running result of the python:

If it executes successfully, it will return:

Get the token,Return value:  {'status': True, 'value': {'token': 'veLZf8EL7gUoyFOL'}}
The value of token is:  veLZf8EL7gUoyFOL
Executed successfully,Return value:  {'status': True, 'value': ''}

The task is created successfully, the script executor for Total Control appears as follows: