get: Get the IP address

Function Description:

Get the IP address information of the mobile 4G network

Corresponding JS API:

For Total Control version 6.9.0 and higher

Whether to support multiple devices:


Resource Information:

Method GET
URL .../devices/device/network?q=ip
Requires authentication? Yes

Method Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
device String Yes ID value of the device
q String Yes A fixed value: ip.

Response Parameters:

A JSON string representing an array of objects with the following fields:

Field Type Description
status Boolean Return true for success and null for failure
value String If the value of status is true,it returns the IP address information of the 4G network of the mobile phone;
If the value of status is a null object, an error message or empty string is returned.

Request Example:
Response Example:

If this API executes successfully, it returns:

    "status": true,
    "value": ""

If the value of HTTP status code is 200, but the value of status is a null object, it returns:

    "status": null,
    "value": "<Error message>"


Warm tip:
Get the token needed for Total Control script development,see here.
Get the id value of the master device, see here.

RingoJS Example:
// Import the packages
var {request} = require("ringo/httpclient");
var base64 = require("ringo/base64");

// The username and password are separated by a single : and sent on the wire base64 encoded
var userpass = base64.encode("sigma:3D391497");

// First step: Get the API token
var gettoken = request({
	method: "GET",
	url: "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/login",
	headers: {
		"Authorization": userpass
var ret_token = JSON.parse(gettoken.content); 
var token = ret_token.value.token; 
print("//The value of token is:" + token);

// Second step: Get the device id value of the master device
var getdevice = request({
	method: "GET",
	url: "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/devices/main?token=" + token
var device = JSON.parse(getdevice.content).id; 
print("//The value of device ID is:"+ device);

// Third step: Execute this REST API
var resp = request({
	method: "GET",
	url: "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/devices/" + device + "/network",
	data: {
		"q": "ip",
		"token": token,
var obj = JSON.parse(resp.content); 
ret =obj.status;
if (ret == true) {
	print("//Executed successfully,Return value: \n"+resp.content);	
} else if (ret != true & resp.status == 200){
	print("An error message is returned: "+resp.content);
} else {
	print("This API failed to execute.");
The running result of the RingoJS:

If it executes successfully, it will return:

//The value of token is:U44Gyjs36755b7Kp
//The value of device ID is:device@230441652
//Executed successfully,Return value: 
{"status":true, "value":""}
Python Example:
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import base64
import requests

# The username and password are separated by a single : and sent on the wire base64 encoded
user_pass = 'sigma:3D391497'
encodeStr = base64.b64encode(user_pass.encode("UTF-8"))

# First step: Get the API token
LoginUrl = "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/login"
response = requests.get(LoginUrl, headers={'Authorization':encodeStr})
print("Get the token,Return value: ",response.json())
token = response.json()['value']['token']
print("The value of token is: ",token)

# Second step: Get the device id value of the master device
if token is not None:
    GetDeviceUrl = "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/devices/main?token=" + token
    response = requests.get(url=GetDeviceUrl)
    print("Get the device id,Return value: ", response.json())
    device = response.json()['id']
    print("The value of device id is: ", device)
    if device is not None:
        # Third step: Execute this REST API
        APIUrl = "http://localhost:8090/TotalControl/v1/devices/" + device + "/network"
        data = {
            "q": "ip",
            "token": token
        response = requests.get(url=APIUrl, params=data)
        ret = response.json()['status']
        # Determine if this REST API is executed successfully
        if ret is True:
            print("Executed successfully,Return value: ", response.json())
        elif response.status_code == 200 and ret is not True:
            print("An error message is returned: ",response.json())
            print("This API failed to execute.")
        print("Failed to get device id.")
    print("Failed to get token.")
The running result of the python:

If it executes successfully, it will return:

Get the token,Return value:  {'status': True, 'value': {'token': 'U44Gyjs36755b7Kp'}}
The value of token is:  U44Gyjs36755b7Kp
Get the device id,Return value:  {'id': 'device@230441652'}
The value of device id is:  device@230441652
Executed successfully,Return value:  {'status': True, 'value': ''}