Save notification bar message

This example saves the notification bar message on all phones to tmp/notification.txt in the current directory.

Programming language: JS

Source code

 * version :
 * resolution : 720*1280
 * description :Save the notification bar message on all phones to tmp/notification.txt in the current directory.
define("version", "");
define("resolution", "720*1280");
define("requireVersion", "");

function printArrayObjects(y) {
    var cont = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < y.length; ++i) {
        var line = "";
        for (var j in y[i]) {
            if (j == "device") {
                ct = y[i][j].getName();
            } else {
                ct = y[i][j];
            line += (line == "" ? "" : ", ") + j + ":" + ct;
        cont += "[" + i + "]: { " + line + "  }\n";
    return cont;
var file = "/tmp/notifications.txt"
var fs = require('fs');
var ntfn = new Notification(sigmaConst.ANY, sigmaConst.ANY, sigmaConst.ANY);
var gn = ntfn.getNotification();
var cont = printArrayObjects(gn);
try {
    fs.write(file, cont, {binary:false});
    print("File \"" + file + "\" saved.");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error: " + e);